Dr. Timothy Beck
Timothy Scott Beck, M.D. is a local physician who has dedicated his life to caring for the people of Rabun County. Dr. Beck was born in Alma, Georgia and was raised in Baxley before moving to his dad’s hometown (Clayton). He graduated from Rabun County High School in 1989 and immediately enlisted in the Air Force for 5 years serving both stateside and overseas. He also served proficiently as a ceremonial bugler for one year in the Air Force. After completing his service Dr. Beck completed his undergraduate studies in Biology and Chemistry at Georgia Southern University and was later accepted at the Medical College of Georgia Medical Doctorates program and completed medical school in 2001. He completed internship and residency at Greenville Memorial Hospital and received his board certification in Internal Medicine in 2004.
Dr. Beck returned to Rabun County and started a medical practice and has stayed true to his commitment to the people of Rabun County. In 2016, Dr. Beck and his wife, Allison, started Life Point Medical, LLC and have enjoyed great success in serving Rabun County and surrounding counties. Today, they are operating a full-service Internal Medicine Practice in the community.
Dr. Beck and Allison Boynton have 3 children, Timothy, Tucker and Truett in which they adore. Their family decided a couple of years ago to get involved in the foster care system and are currently serving as a respite home for foster children who are in transition and need a weekend home.
Throughout the process of getting certified to become an official foster parent, he joined others in the community and approached DFACS regarding local services and any needs that they may have. DFACS expressed a need for intake services, needing more foster parents and more support for the current foster parents. Through a collective effort (from the good Lord above and many community members) Place of Hope North Georgia was born. Dr. Beck is wholly committed to the mission of Place of Hope and provides unyielding support.
Dr. Beck feels as if he is extremely blessed; and knows it is a privilege to serve on the board of directors for Place of Hope and intends to provide leadership and continued support indefinitely.
If you ever want more information about Place of Hope, ask Dr. Beck and he will be glad to share his experience and the many blessings that have come from this organization.